
Poetry to the masses - Funny, thought-provoking and entertaining...!


Tuesday 5th April - Word War 3MT Heat 3

Our next Word War Slam event is taking place on the 7th July at the Three Minute Theatre.  8 poets will battle it out for the chance to win £20 and a place in Decembers final where they can win £200, a slot in Feb's Evidently, a place in the UK National Slam and the coveted Word War Two Trophy! If you wish to be on the reserve list, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. £3 on the door (& free entry for slammers) Contestants through to the final so far are:    Geneviève L. Walsh and Matthew Delboy Delaney   

Monday 14th March - Evidently with Caroline Teague and Daisy Thurston-Gent

Join us for another night of "clever, witty and thought-provoking entertainment" at Evidently at the Eagle Inn, Salford! "The clues are all there: hard work behind the scenes, a unique performance space, an up-for-it crowd, friendly hosting, top tech, a high standard of open mic and ace guests. Evidently a great poetry night!" - Tony Walsh - AKA Longfella."Evidently is a rip roaring, verse slinging, cheer rousing, heart filling, feet stamping riot of rhythm and rhymes. Hosted with humour, passion and spark. Top talent and true comradery among word weavers and watchers. Beautiful." - Dominic Berry.Boasting the fabulous talents of Caroline Teague and Daisy Thurston-Gent and hosted by Salford's own Kieren King. Ten open mic spots are available (one poem - two minutes per poet) in the event that more than ten people wish to sign up, priority will be given to first time performers. We are filming each night so everyone…
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