Evidently... updates!
- Written by Ella Gainsborough
Ooops! We've been letting the blog slide a bit! (Our bad!) But in our defense we have been super busy!
Our Word War Final at the Three Minute Theatre was just insane, so many people, so much talent and such a buzz from the night! A special shout out to the competitors who did us proud that night and to the judges who did a brilliant job! Congratulations to David Jarman for winning the final as well! A huge thank you to everyone that has been there for the journey, we look forward to seeing you in 2016!
We are currently gearing up for the last interview paper format in 2015 with Jack Smurf and JB Barrington taking place Monday 14th December at the Eagle Inn. It looks set to be an amazing night! Another huge thank you to everyone that has performed, attended and supported us with Evidently over the past two years (how time flies!) We have guests booked until October 2016, so make sure you get the 2nd Monday put in you diaries!
This year saw the launch of our radio show on FAB Radio too! It's been so much fun having guests come along and chatting to us, and a steep learning curve. We already have guests wanted to come on next year so look out for that!
We recently had the fantastic Liv Barnes join the Evidently Team, and we are so grateful for it! Make sure you go say "Hi" to her at the events! She's been a star throughout and she brings peace between the battles that Ella and Kieren like to have at events.
We also won third place for Best Regular Spoken Word Night at the Saboteur Awards, it was an absolute honour to be nominated alongside some of the greats and we were as proud as punch!
We also launched Evidently the Anthology 2, they're 4 quid, so if you would like a copy, drop us a message and we'll send one out to you.
We take a break from running Word War and Evidently in January, but we will be using that time to develop schedules and templates so that we will be posting, particularly on this blog and website, regularly with new and exciting content, so make sure you check back in January! If you need your Evidently fix then never fear! The radio show will still be running throughout January, so we wont be forgetting you!
A huge thanks you to everyone that has performed, attended and supported us this year, it's been wonderful to meet so many like minded and wonderful people! We are so lucky to have you guys!
As always, ironically for a spoken word group, words aren't enough.

Ella Gainsborough
She does the bits behind the scene. You know, buying Haribo, keeping accounts, setting up the room... the fun stuff.
Co-founder of Evidently, Miss G is both the brains and beauty.
Website: evidentlysalford.net