Evidently... When Two Becomes Three
- Written by Ella Gainsborough
The time is nearly upon us… Evidently, the second year anniversary!
On Monday 12th October (tomorrow!!) we will celebrate 2 glorious years of Evidently! And what a 2 years it has been!
When we first started Evidently all we knew is that we wanted to make poetry as accessible as possible. As a non-poet with a short attention span, I wanted to ensure that everyone who attended ours nights would feel a part of something, however briefly. Together Kieren and I have created something that we are both incredibly proud of.
Monday sees us celebrate with a new member to our HQ team. Liv Barnes is lovingly dubbed our intern, but make no mistake; she’s far more than that. Liv will bring a fresh perspective and new ideas to build and grow Evidently further and we are so happy to have her join us. Here’s her bio:
I am from a village called Suckley that finds itself in the wilds of Worcestershire, but a year ago I escaped the land of sheep and cows to study in Manchester. Apart from the usual student lifestyle of heavy drinking and last-minute late night red bull stints in the library, I spend my time playing football and getting up on stage saying words that rhyme. I go out to many rap and spoken word events, as I love them so much as an art form and the artists within them. This is why I am so incredibly excited to a member of the team at Evidently, because after so many experiences where I have been blown away by spoken word, I can now give a helping hand in making the magic happen. The poetry scene in Manchester is absolutely killing it at the moment, and I cannot contain my excitement about being a part of it. Bring it on!
Which brings us to Monday! We will be launching our 2nd anthology, made up of 60 poets who have performed over the past year. We will also be celebrating with cake, cava and good vibes! Our guests are Joe Cooper and Adele Hampton! We would love to see you there!
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Ella Gainsborough
She does the bits behind the scene. You know, buying Haribo, keeping accounts, setting up the room... the fun stuff.
Co-founder of Evidently, Miss G is both the brains and beauty.
Website: evidentlysalford.net