Evidently... FAQ's.
- Written by Ella Gainsborough
If you have a question you want to ask us, (preferably about Evidently or Word War) get in contact!
How do I sign up for an open mic slot?
Open mic is sign up on the night. We generally prioritise first-timers to Evidently, but if you don’t get on at one night, you’re a guaranteed getting on the following month. We sign up on the door to allow people who may have travelled further afield or who don’t know us a chance to perform if they wish.
We ask open micers to perform no more than one poem at 2 minutes long; however we won’t drag you off stage if your poem is closer to 3 minutes. If you suspect that you will go over the allotted time, please do tell us. The chances are we will say that it’s ok to do a longer poem. If you take the piss, we do remember and you will be less likely to get on the open mic section again.
Why are you so strict with the open mic?
Because Ella is a cow.
Seriously though, if we have 10 poets doing 2 minutes, then that’s 20 minutes long. If everyone does closer to 4 or 5 minutes then we have an open mic section which runs the risk of dragging on. Our focus is making it as entertaining as possible for the audience, and offering a diverse range on poets, so the more people we can get on, the better.
Why do you film the nights?
We film the nights so people have a video to promote themselves. It also allows people who can’t attend the night to watch some of the fantastic artist we have on! We stagger the release dates of the videos to allow each on to gain maximum views on Youtube.
I performed last month, can my video go on first?
Probably not –sorry! Ella edits the videos as soon as she is able after the event. The order that we release them is based on which ones are encoded and uploaded first. However if you talk to us, we can probably ensure that they are released earlier rather than later.
Who designed your logo?
Our logo (we call the stag Bruce) was designed by the awesome Twisted Dredz. You can check out his work here.
What about your website?
That would be the wonderful CGain Business Marketing, his website is here.
And who did your promo video?
Our video was made the by fantastic team at Bark Media, check out their website and other work here.
Can we buy t-shirts?
We are currently in talks to get a run of t-shirts printed. If you are interested drop us a line and we will reserve one for you.
I want to get involved, do you guys need any help?
At the moment, we are functional but not perfect. If you are interested in helping us out, please do send us a message, however the best way that you can help us out is by attending the night and telling your friends!
Is Word War the same as Evidently?
No, the Word War series is a slam competition with heats throughout the year culminating in the final in December. You can read more information about them here. Evidently is more of a ‘straight up’ poetry night.
How do I sign up for Word War?
We made the events live on Facebook at 8pm on the first Wednesday of the month. You can Facebook, Tweet, text or email us to book your slot. Be warned, they do go quick!
What are the rules for Word War?
So’s not to clog up our FAQ’s post, the rules can be sent to you on request (not that there’s a lot of rules, it just looked a bit messy) It’s important to say that the slam is just a bit of fun, and, to steal a great phrase off Tony Walsh, aka Longfella “The points are not the point, the point is the poetry”
Where are these events held?
Evidently is run at the Eagle Inn, here's a map!
And Word War is at the Three Minute Theatre. Here's another map!

Ella Gainsborough
She does the bits behind the scene. You know, buying Haribo, keeping accounts, setting up the room... the fun stuff.
Co-founder of Evidently, Miss G is both the brains and beauty.
Website: evidentlysalford.net